Feb 4, 2009

dwelling on the past

Until recently the importance of international travel has been overrated in the development of the idiosyncrasies of place. Many guests to the temporary monuments studios have been impressed with the existential in-dwelling of the studios. The recent rash of caricature artists to be seen driving around the Wellington region, making scapegoats of the contrivances of local activity, even while declaring their lack of anthropological integrity has drawn to our attention the true predicament of our temporary monuments division, namely its loss of a real history- and now its loss of a place in which to fabricate the memory of itself.This imperils it toward the strange need to appropriate humorously or forcefully - a new site of belonging.

It is with a sense of nostalgia then, that we here present an image of our studio as it was during its glory days. An image of the happy meeting of finished and unfinished work, the armature, the endless column. Waiting, being- the great arc of time that opened before us...

Members of our OAFY research division have also reported that OAFY researchers have been dismissed in their application to study in the halls of higher education. Our proposal fell upon deaf ears during a gruelling twenty minute interview where pointed questions were raised regarding the relationship of OAFY researchers to the dark arts of Animation. It seems that the emergence of Animation as a potential source of energy has inspired incredulity amongst the Academic fraternity and without wider Governmental support we fear that our enterprise may fall short of it targets.

Further bulletins will be forthcoming as our organisation moves through this difficult transitional period.

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