Feb 16, 2008

The following is taken from the secret manuscript of Alfred Jarry, the brother of Walter Jarry- a legendary offroad cyclist of Wellington, who from 1876-1882 could be seen in the hills around the city. It is a glimpse perhaps of relations between the two brothers, different but not dissimilar- for while Alfred was addicted to the speed and rush of Absinth, Walter was a risk taker of a different order, someone for whom "the beauty of speed" was equal to the experience of flying down a hill on his small bike. It is possible to say that Walter was in fact the originator of the BMX, in that he had made for himself an especially small bike, to match his own diminutive frame.

Excerpt from the manuscript:

"The doctor having taken occasion to park his sieve on the curb, and instructing his baboon faced assistant to prepare lunch with a slap to the neck, set off in the direction of the town. "Faustroll" he whispered to himself, "An epiphenomenom is that which is imposed upon a phenomenom, the whole foundation may be sand but dust still clings to your shoes."
It was at this point in his speculation that the doctor was surprised by the sight of a man, seated upon a bicycle and brandishing a riding whip while pursued by a group of hungry looking curs. "Faustroll" He mused to himself "How stupid those dogs must be, when all across France and indeed the civilised world, dogs along with children have learnt of the dangers of these new locomotor machines. Why would it be that these curs are seeking the shin of that unfortunate rider?" But as the offroader drew nearer he concluded "Haha, I see now that I have reached another epicentre- it is my brother, the antipodean." At which point he occasioned himself to hide behind another passerby suspecting quite rightly that his brothers predicament came from the leg of mutton, which protruded from his jacket."

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