Mar 22, 2009

The association of the plague

During the past week with all departments experiencing a disarray not uncommon in times of economic hardship, the OAFY executive were pleased to receive several submissions of collaboration between departments.

The research division, upset at the removal of key works from the collection for sale, have gone ahead with commissioning a series of works exploring cruelty, distance, theatricality and form. As distance from the visceral has long been an effort undertaken by the OAFY executive we have restricted the research commission to the production of a series of small works which retain in simple testamentary form the concept of the plague. This we are reliably informed is part of an ongoing project undertaken by the research division in reclaiming a rhetoric of the relationship of the Absurd to both distance and nature, we have also uncovered compelling evidence of various other groups engaged in the own plague ridden activities, while we naturally keep our distance, we applaud these efforts at sustained collaboration. Works from the association of the plague will be on display at the newly renovated Mind your head gallery, on the Shelly bay Wharf from the 18th of April- 17th May, by invitation.

Mar 5, 2009

Rat Race

After much debate within the OAFY Archive division this memorial to one of our much maligned fellow mammels has been released for exhibition and purchase and will shortly be on display at the LESA Gallery, situated on picturesque Jackson street, Petone.

As always the collectors within our archive division were reluctant to distribute this work without the supporting materials. This loss of context however inevitable does not diminish the inherent elegance and humor of this work.

We hope that our dedicated readers will appreciate this early example of our environmental campaigning.